Rosewood Double Glazed uPVC Windows, Wokingham

Location: Wokingham

We replaced the windows in this family home in Wokingham with new double glazed uPVC windows. The frames are from the Rustique Royale range and are finished in a rosewood grain on the outside to complement the tudor style wooden beams. Internally, the frames are finished in white with chrome handles for a more modern look that will suit any decor.

The double glazing has a rectangle lead design, in keeping with this style of property in Wokingham.

Our client decided against adding fan lights which helps to give the windows a less fussy look.

This style of uPVC double glazing window in Wokingham has a lipped casement design sash and welded corner joints.

A lovely looking home in Wokingham that will now benefit from modern double glazed windows that will look good for many years to come.

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You may also be interested in reading our blog posts ‘A Brief History of uPVC Windows‘ or ‘Try Before You Buy Your New Windows – Yes, Really!


Our ref: 0025133

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